31 Days of Transitioning to Autumn: day 11 {Seedlings: greens and community}

  I have to apologize to y’all for my lack of faithfulness in daily blogging for my 31Days series.  I am trying, I promise, but I’m afraid the duties farm life have kept me tied up as of late. Yesterday I came in about an hour after night fall to a hot supper and rest and all that was on my mind was exactly that… rest. It did cross my mind to write, actually, but my brain has been befuddled by a head cold that leaves me quite senseless. I was logging. Felling trees. Big, intimidating trees. Possibly one of the most frightening tree jobs I’ve done, to date.

me button

But I enjoyed the work. I enjoy working with my hands.

Live a Quiet Life and Work With Your Hands image via. ThisGreenEyedGirls #31Days of Transitioning to Autumn

Lately, I’ve been seeding and watering and such in our hoop-houses.

In late summer we transition our farm operation towards the “greens” season.

Our greens are grown in winter, unlike summer vegetables, and shielded by our unheated greenhouses. Both built by hand ourselves.


Each fall we begin to watch the progress on pins and needles as the seedlingw just begin to peek out and grow to maturity.


I’m crossing my fingers for fast growth this week, as Saturday is the local Harvest Market. It’s put on by Arts and AG, a local venture by some seriously ingenuitive artisans, shop keepers, and farmers. These folks work tirelessly to bring life back to our community and encourage it to be just that… a community.

Fall is always a time in my mind where we focus on linking arms and supporting local ventures.

Townships with conscientious citizens, concerned with supporting one another, don’t just happen. They are planted, tended, prayed over, watched, babied, and grown from a tender state to maturity. Like my seedlings.

Seedlings via. ThisGreenEyedGirl {An artical on living local and supporting farmers}

This weekend, get out there!!!! Help the transition happen. Skip the chain stores. Bring some food from farm to table. Buy something handmade. Talk to someone face to face about the product they made and are passionate about. Look for a fun event like the Harvest Market of Hickman County to attend…. then you can cross that off your Great Big Fall List!!!!

Keep your friends close and your farmers closer.


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